Get started with Monetize

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Monetize Get Started Hero

Overcome monetization challenges and exceed your revenue potential.

Global advertisers

Grow your revenue and place your inventory in front of the biggest gaming and branding advertisers.

Maximize revenue and fill

Let premium advertisers and DSPs compete in real-time auctions for supply to maximize ARPDAU and generate the most revenue for your app.

Creative quality

Choose from multiple ad formats tailored to blend in and proven to perform to deliver ad experiences that stand out to your users.

Username field: Add username Password field: Add password Radio: Click to agree to the Terms of Service

Step 1

Sign Up

Create an account on the Monetize platform, confirm your email, and agree to the Terms of Service.

Company name field: Add company name Name on card field: Add name on card Card number field: Add card number Expiration date field: Add expiratiton date Security code field: Add security code

Step 2

Insert Company Info

Provide your company and payment information to receive your payouts.

Android radio: Click to select Android iOS radio: Click to select iOS Amazon radio: Click to select Amazon Windows radio: Click to select Windows

Step 3

Add Your App

Choose your platform and add your live app from the store.

Rewarded video radio: Click to select rewarded video Interstitials radio: Click to select interstitials Rewarded interstitials radio: Click to select rewarded interstitials Banner/MREC radio: Click to select banner/MREC Native ads radio: Clicck to select native ads

Step 4

Set Up Ad Placement

Choose among our available ad formats, including rewarded video, interstitials, rewarded interstitials, banner/MREC and native ads, to create placements and enable in-app bidding.

Test mode radio: Click to select test mode app status Active radio: Click to select active app status

Step 5

Integrate Vungle SDK

Download the configured SDK and set your app live to start receiving ads. Go to “Edit App Setting” to manually switch the status from Test Mode to Active.

You’re now ready to start monetizing.

To learn more, check out our step-by-step video or visit our support page.

Liftoff Monetize partners with top mediation platforms

max company logo
DT FairBid company logo
unity company logo
ironsource company logo

Related Resources

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See how publishers are using Monetize to grow their revenue.

Ready to start monetizing your app?