Are Mobile Apps China’s Next Big Export?
A study on how apps made in China are distributed, installed and used around the world
Adjust, our partner and leading mobile attribution tracking service, today released an analysis and infographic on the growing export of apps made in China. The article highlights some of the notable trends from their report.
Adjust did a deep-dive into apps developed in China for the global market by creating a cohort of Chinese-made apps on iOS and Android with more installs located outside of China than within. The analysis uncovered the following key takeaways.
- India is crazy for Chinese apps – there are more installs of Chinese apps in India than in any other country outside of China. Indonesia and the USA came in second and third place.
- The top three countries with the highest “made in China” app share are the USA, Japan and Indonesia.
- By vertical, India drives the highest number of mobile app installs for utility and entertainment apps. Indonesia, the USA and the Philippines love gaming apps, with the US spending the most money in-app.
Interestingly enough, the USA has the largest percent (94.6%) of Chinese apps available for download.
What’s the percentage of Chinese apps available in countries outside of China?
For a more in-depth view of mobile app marketing trends and benchmarks, check out the 2017 Liftoff Mobile App Engagement Index.