Liftoff brand use policy
This policy explains how you may use Liftoff’s logos and other brand assets, as well as how you may reference Liftoff and our products and services. Only use our brand assets in accordance with the rules below.
You may use our brand assets for non-commercial purposes, including in connection with academic research. For commercial uses, such as including our brand assets in a product for sale, please request our permission. We may require you to stop using our brand assets if we believe that your use falls outside these rules or the scope of any permission we give you.
This policy is subject to revision by Liftoff at any time.
Primary logo
Any use of the Liftoff logo that does not comply with our guidelines is unauthorized. This logo is a carefully created piece of locked artwork that should not be altered in any way. The primary logo color is Slate.
Logo treatments
Slate logo on light
Use the Slate logo on light solid-colored backgrounds.
White logo on dark
Use the White logo on dark solid-colored backgrounds.
White logo on color
Use the White logo on solid-colored backgrounds.
Primary colors
CMYK: 85, 73, 49, 48
RGB: 39, 49, 67
CMYK: 00, 00, 00, 00
RGB: 0, 0, 0
Secondary colors
CMYK: 51, 90, 00, 00
RGB: 159, 28, 186
CMYK: 99, 83, 00, 00
RGB: 00, 69, 168
CMYK: 74, 66, 00, 00
RGB: 85, 95, 255
CMYK: 82, 52, 00, 00
RGB: 3, 118, 217
Clover Light
CMYK: 81, 4, 94, 0
RGB: 28, 170, 83
Clover Dark
CMYK: 87, 22, 100, 08
RGB: 0, 137, 62
CMYK: 00, 20, 100, 00
RGB: 255, 203, 5
CMYK: 00, 67, 100, 00
RGB: 255, 118, 13
CMYK: 00, 97, 25, 00
RGB: 229, 20, 98
CMYK: 00, 33, 03, 00
RGB: 247, 186, 207
CMYK: 00, 100, 100, 00
RGB: 237, 3, 3
Neutral colors
CMYK: 84, 75, 58, 77
RGB: 0, 8, 28
CMYK: 76, 62, 38, 18
RGB: 74, 88, 113
CMYK: 43, 31, 15, 0
RGB: 149, 162, 188
CMYK: 2, 1, 0, 0
RGB: 248, 248, 250
CMYK: 6, 9, 11, 0
RGB: 231, 231, 223
Poppins is a variable-weight typeface, which means you are able to customize weights. That being said, we typically stay within these two weights.
Use contrast between heavier and lighter weights to communicate relative importance or relevance—in other words, the hierarchy of information.
Product icons
Acquire high value users to scale app growth.
Maximize your earnings with in-app ads.
Directly access the best publisher inventory.
Vungle Exchange
Programmatically reach high-quality engaged users.
Guide your development strategy with game data analytics.
Maximize campaign performance with better ad creatives.
Mobile Heroes brand
The Mobile Heroes logo is the second most visible component of the Liftoff brand. The Mobile Heroes program showcases mobile app marketers as successful thought-leaders in the mobile app marketing industry. We ask that you don’t change or misuse the logo in a way that could cause confusion.
The colored version of Mobile Heroes logo can ONLY be used on a white background. If you are using the Mobile Heroes logo on any other background color, use either the black or white monochrome logo.
The symbol (shield) and Mobile Heroes name (without “by Liftoff”) can be used without the logotype for all sites and properties, CRM, and secondary mentions.