Liftoff featured in TUNE’s Top 25 Global Advertising Partners list
Fresh off the heels of our inclusion as a top performer in AppsFlyer’s Mobile Performance Index, Liftoff has been named one of TUNE’s Top 25 Global Advertising Partners for 2016, our second consecutive year on the list.
“It’s not easy to be on this Top 25 ad partners list. It’s not a popularity show or a beauty contest, it’s a data-driven ranking of over 400 of the top adtech partners that are integrated with TUNE. It’s impressive that Liftoff has accomplished this feat two years in a row.” – John Koetsier, TUNE Mobile Economist
To narrow down the top 25, more than 400 ad partners were scored on the following:
- Adoption – How many mobile marketers use them
- Reputation – What do marketers think of them
- TUNE Certified Partner Program – Are they members of the program, and do they adhere to advertising best practices, including providing full transparency into campaign performance to their clients
- Clicks/taps – Do their ads generate clicks or taps?
- Installs – Do their ads generate mobile app installs?
- 30-Day revenue per install – How much revenue to these ad partners generate in the first 30 days for app install campaigns
- 60-Day revenue per install – Same as above, but over a 60 day period
- Retention – How many users remain active after Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 7, and Day 14 for mobile app install campaigns
Take a look at the featured list and you’ll find a couple of ad tech giants like Google and Twitter. Needless to say, we’re very proud and honored to be listed alongside some of the biggest brands in the business.