No App, No Problem! The Easiest Way To Drive Quality Traffic To Your Mobile Website
Apps have become an essential part of our daily lives. We scroll through social media apps, rely on utilities like alarm clocks and calendars to keep us on track and pass our time playing the latest puzzle or role-playing games. In fact, 90% of our time on mobile devices is spent using apps, according to eMarketer.
In addition to their extensive reach and popularity, apps are an important marketing channel because in-app traffic is traditionally higher in quality and less fraudulent, and the ad experience is less spammy than mobile web advertising.
So what do you do if you are a marketer from a business or organization that does not have an app (or does not rely on your app to generate new business)? Do you build an app just to generate traffic? This can be a resource-intensive process that does not guarantee more views or better performance.
App-to-web beyond walled gardens
Instead, consider app-to-web—with a twist. App-to-web is a marketing strategy commonly used by social media platforms to drive in-app users to mobile web pages. However, social media platforms can only take you so far. Their walled gardens do not reach the untapped audiences the other 7+ million apps offer.
This is where demand-side platforms (DSPs) like Liftoff Accelerate come in. Liftoff Accelerate offers app-to-web with a broader reach, enabling you to drive traffic from apps across the globe and gain greater transparency into campaign performance.
With Accelerate, you can reach over 3 billion unique users in more than 190 countries worldwide. Liftoff’s machine learning model and tracking pixel are tailor-made to target high-quality in-app users—users who are most likely to convert on your mobile web landing pages.
Get the most from app-to-web
Liftoff’s programmatic approach to app-to-web makes acquiring in-app users on your mobile web pages easy. Our ML models make 3 million bids per second—so you can take a hands-off approach. Using a first-party tracking pixel, the ML model learns and optimizes your app-to-web campaigns in a privacy-friendly way (Liftoff Accelerate’s pixel is ITP 2.3-compliant). You can drive more media engagement, registrations, purchases, and other performance events.

Zoe Radner is a Media Manager at American Student Assistance, a non-profit organization without an app. She recently spoke about her experience using app-to-web with Liftoff Accelerate and how she acquired new users with minimal effort. “The tide is changing, and apps are where you will find your target audience, especially as every brand tries to chase Gen Z outside of the usual self-service platforms,” Radner says. “In short: in-app inventory is the way to go.”
Try out app-to-web campaigns for yourself. Learn more about app-to-web by contacting your account manager or visiting our app-to-web page.