Liftoff Employee Spotlight: Honey Aung, Senior Accountant
Honey Aung joined the Liftoff Finance Team in August 2018 as an Accountant. Over the last year and a half, Honey has played a pivotal role in implementing new processes and systems and was recently promoted to Senior Accountant. When she’s not at work you can catch Honey binge watching her favorite Korean dramas.
How did you hear about Liftoff?
I got an email from a Liftoff recruiter, but my sister also encouraged me to pursue the opportunity. My sister works at the same company that my current Liftoff manager used to work at and had only great things to say about her. Ultimately that was the reason I decided to accept the offer.
Why did you decide to become an accountant? And what are some key traits that help you be successful in your role?
Three words I would use to describe myself are: disciplined, friendly and detail oriented. Originally I was studying to become a math teacher, but I got a chance to explore accounting and felt the role suited my personality and it was something I enjoyed doing. In order to be successful in accounting you need to be able to prioritize so you don’t fall behind and are able to close the month in time.
What is your biggest accomplishment at Liftoff?
Being part of the NetSuite implementation was a huge accomplishment. During the implementation, I helped organize our internal processes and helped automate others that were previously done manually.
Favorite event at Liftoff?
My favorite event was the Ladies of Liftoff Dinner held during our annual All Hands Week, where the entire company comes to our HQ in Palo Alto for a week. It was great having us all in one room to get to know each other better and share what we most value about working with each other.
What could someone joining the Finance Team tomorrow expect?
A fun work environment, support from management, and transparency. We also meet often to touch base and ask questions about different projects. Plus we have fun! We have a quarterly indoor basketball shooting championship where anyone gets a chance at getting their name added to the list for the prized MVP trophy!
What is the one thing you can’t live without?
I love having smoothies for breakfast! Every morning I make myself a smoothie which helps me start my day off feeling energized.
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